Membership Benefits:
- Multiple advertising opportunities, leveraging group rate discounts
- Annual Sponsorship opportunities for large events like the Show & Shine Car Show in June, Street Fair in July and Motorcycle Show in August.
- Business listed on shopping and services brochure (if located within the downtown footprint)
- Business listed on DABA website
- Website sponsorship
- Website advertising opportunities
- Networking with other business owners
- Access to Community Tool Box (sound system, tools, tents, etc.)
- Volunteer opportunities
- Discounted street fair vendor booth

To create a business culture where full participation and economic equality is achievable.
Mission Statement
The Downtown Arlington Business Assoc. (D.A.B.A.) strives to unite and empower the Downtown Arlington Businesses towards business development and the delivery of quality merchant services and products to our patrons.
Our purpose is to help businesses located in the historic downtown footprint to thrive through promotion, events, networking and economic stimulation. DABA member meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6 pm. In the City Council Chambers (located at 110 E 3rd St, the corner of Olympic and 3rd) Please visit our website for more information about DABA, meeting agendas, minutes, upcoming events and more
Annual Community Investment (ACI)
Each year, all members of DABA contribute an Annual Community Investment, or ACI. The minimum required amount is $100.00 per year, but a business may choose any amount above that to contribute to DABA. These funds are used to help with office rent, materials, promotional items, and other operating costs of DABA. Thank you for investing in the business community of Arlington!

Interested in becoming a member?
To apply and pay through the mail, print the form by downloading below. To apply electronically, please fill out the Membership form at the bottom of this page.
Membership Form

Existing Member?
Click the button below to pay your membership dues easily and securely. Ensure uninterrupted access to all the benefits and privileges of your membership with a simple click.
Donation Request Form
To access the Donation Request Form, please click the button below.